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Okay guys, the deal is, I have been playing Katawa Shoujo recently (dating sim game created by members of 4chan with an extremely in depth storyline and the possibility to date 5 different girls with different disabilities (you attend a school for dissablilies since you have a heart condition)). Since it was my first time playing, I was confused as to how I ended up with different girls. After a while, it became apparent that the choices I made led me to be spending a lot of time with a girl called Emi (pic related). Okay now her storyline actually involved me.. I felt like I was dating her and everything was perfect (I am a 17 year old male with a healthy 2 year relationship in real life). When Emi broke up with me, I cried, when Emi and I made love for the first time, I felt happy, when Emi and I were together by the games credits rolled through, I was so relieved.. I am in love with her..
TL;DR > I am in love with a non-existent cripple girl from a dating sim game.. What do I do....