>>3618309I think she would have disliked it at one point in time, but after meeting me, I can see her having fun making homemade chocolate and heart-shaped candy. She would be happy to receive chocolate too, of course, and a lovely dinner at a restaurant would be appreciated too.
>>3618311I'm sure she would love to do that.
>>3618314By taking them to the side and scolding them, explaining what they did wrong and why. Absolutely no physical punishment, though, considering what it did to her. I also think she'd correct my actions with words and reason, maybe giving me a slap if I did something truly terrible.
>>3618319By putting on a heart apron and making sweets, humming cheerfully all the while.
>>3618391Depends on the reason. In general, I would comfort her and tell her that someone as gifted as her can find a new job in no time, and that she'll be capable of buying an entire opera house for herself if she so wishes. In case it's the worst-case scenario, I'll also look into filing a discrimination lawsuit.
>>3618867Her suffering hurts me.
>>3619046Kindness. She's not one to actively seek out friends, but a person who will accept her and stand up for her is a person she'll treasure for life.