>>3540340I have never insulted anyone's waifu, nor have I been judgemental. I mean, there are some girls I hate with a passion, but I wouldn't be hating on them in these threads. I would be happy that an anon was able to find happiness. That's all that really matters here.
>>3540445If my Sheik ever decided to turn her love for playing her Goddess's Harp into a love for music in general, I can't see why not. I think she would enjoy these kinds of instruments. Although, if this orchestra used a harp of any kind, you know which instrument she would be playing. But I have no idea what specific instruments, other than harps, my Sheik would like to play.
>>3540447I hope my Sheik would be able to figure that making wishes in this way is not going to make them come true. But to do it for fun, I think she would wish that Ganon would never come back to Hyrule. Even if she was with me in our world, my Sheik would still be worried about the people there. Hiding from Ganon, helping the Hero of Time, and sealing Ganon was her entire purpose for creation after all.
On a side note, I'm never sure what to think of Ganon. I would hate him, but I still would need to be a tiny bit grateful for his existence. Without Ganon, my Sheik would never have been created. But at the same time, he is the one who made her suffer her entire life.
>>3540450My Sheik is proficient with weaponry, but wouldn't even know what a gun is. So I have no idea what types she would like, if any at all.
>>3540454My Sheik may only be 16, but I bet that she knows less about modern things than any other waifu on here. You name it, it would be new to her. She doesn't even speak a language that we have here. She speaks Hylian and Sheikah. I've never read Cecily's source material, but I imagine she is the only girl on here that could match my Sheik's lack of modern knowledge.