>>3334073>helping others and being kind. Repaying others for when they have helped her. Being useful to everyone else and contributing. >I don't have any nicknames of my own for her, but she does have a few canon nicknames that I occasionally use.>she is very clumsy, the main driving goal in the early part of her series was that she was considered useless and had no place due to being too weak to fight and too clumsy to work.>I don't watch many films so I couldn't really say.>my life is incredibly boring and empty, I really don't have many stories I could tell her.>>3334131She would enjoy hugs, all the more so if they were from the one she loves.
>>3334183>why wear a hat when you have such beatiful hair? She gets her energy from sunlight anyway, a hat would be counterproductive.>by bottling it all in until she snaps and mentally breaks down. >I have no idea what she'd put on a tshirt. >>3334428I'd be incredibly fucking confused? How does a rock get pregnant? How does that even work? We can't even have sex.