>>3598699It’s 5 am for me and im watching pictures and videos of her on my phone, it is the only thing that manages to give me a bit of peace, im just tired of how absurd and fake this world feels everyday, i see so many terrible actions being rewarded and praised by people, it makes me feel like all my values are worth nothing , i feel at home every time i look at her, no matter how bad things get in her world as long as we do our best we can solve any problem, sometimes i wonder if together we could change this world too, but i really wouldn’t like to bring her to this miserable place, i really really need her but the only thing i can do is become stronger for her, maybe in some way i have accepted that i’ll never be happy without her, but that doesnt mean im going to let this world crush me, as long as i hold on to the values and ideals i share with her i know i can face any challenge. I love her