>>4391481> Miku is way bigger than just pop songsThe other stuff with her is rather too obscure or too hard to find, especially when your tastes for music is that limited as mine.
For one, I don't listen to japanese composers and producers, so that already outs a huge proportion of tracks with Muku for me. Western musicians are doing mostly pop or the same obscure stuff like japanese ones, so for me it all comes down to a small amount of people this one Brazilian motherlover who puts up gems like this and refuses to elaborate.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jBmIR4w6hwWhat I was trying to say this whole time is that it feels kinda awkward to like Miku but at the same to not like most of the relevant content with her. Pics are cool, but she's a singer, so don't I have to like all or at least most of the songs with her?