>>3517633I haven't complained about my life though at all in like, many threads.
I can't help it if things like, "going to beach is haram, because showing skin is haram, because beauty is haram, becuase sexual attraction is haram," amuse me. Poor Sheik. I just hope he doesn't scream at her too loudly for bleeding during her period. Oh wait he would stuff her in onenof those little menstrual huts. Or maybe that's India only.
>>3517636Cause its disgusting how he treats his waifu with that insane crap. I know its okay though since most waifufags have some kind of insecure and weird fear of being "cucked" or virginity obsession.
Niggas can't handle real life. All of you are just fucking coping about your weird delusions about women.
Goddamn. I love my waifu and all but the shit said here is always so childish or controlling. You people got some developmental disorders that's for sure.
I wouldn't be so insecure to not trust my waifu around other guys or cry if she knew what a dick felt like. Heaven forbid! Even got tards here that would shoot their waifu over such silly shit. Thats not at all love. Pure obsessive stalker mental illness.
I can't take the people on 4chan seriously enough anymore to care. Its all batshit people. It's got so few people with any rationality. Makes me feel sad to pick on them.