>>2967719For context this scene is a part of the SF one year Anniversary event scenario where SF Yuuko uses her time travel shenanigans to gather people from each series together for a sort of festival. Lise teaches Beatrix some stuff about theater, the different casts of characters fight over how to decorate the auditorium, and Lise sneaks off for some alone time with Theo.
(Theo’s Narration)
GC (ガ一ルズコレクション) とか言うイベン卜も終わって俺は久しぶりにゆっくりとした時間を過ごしていた.
The GC (Girls Collection) event had finally wrapped itself up and I had a chance to relax for the first time in a while.
明るい雰囲気の中でみんなでわいわいやるのも楽しい物だが, そういう空気に慣れていないせいか, 少し気疲れしてしまう.
Its nice having fun with everyone under such pleasant circumstances, but at the same time I’m not used to this sort of thing, its a bit fatiguing.
Theo: 俺は孤独と静謐を愛する男だからな
“I am a solitary man by nature afterall”
電気を消したままの部屋の中, 片隅に置かれた椅子に腰を下ろした.
I turn off the lights, and take a seat in the corner of the room.
I sit there staring into space.
Taking a moment to settle down after such lively entertainment.
Lise: お兄ちゃん ! !
そういうのはもうちょっと年をとってからじゃないと似合わないよ ! !
“Onii-chan ! !
Doing the same old thing like this doesn’t suit you ! !”
Lise: えい !
Theo: うわぁ ! ?
“Uwa h! ?”
そのまま, ベッドドの上へと押し倒されると俺はリィズの体に組付されるような形になっていた.
She just, pulls me over onto the bed and clammers up on top of me wrapping her body around mine.