>>3651004Probably any sort of magic-warrior hybrid
>>3651046Only if she was really annoyed
>>3651008I think she would be ok so far as the short skirt seeing as how she's a model. She's a track star though so I'm sure she'd rather be getting cheered on
>>3651181>What would mentally destroy your waifu?Beyond like really horrible stuff, I think if she lost her friends that would be a big blow. She is very close to them
>Does your waifu need or want friends?See above
>How does your waifu feel about her name? If unknown, how do you feel about it?I assume she likes it and I do too!
>Does your waifu know when to give up?Depends on what it is but she is usually pretty tenacious if she wants something
>How does your waifu cope under pressure?Pretty well with certain things like school or sports but there are some moments with other stuff where she can panic a little
>>3651192She would destroy me! She's a super talented track athlete and I've let myself go a little
>>3651481>You're home early, waifu is coming from work in like an hour, and you have amazing cooking skills. What do you make for dinner with her?If I had the things ready I think just a curry
>>3651703>Post waifu with friends.Pic related is the only real one I have
>>3651706>You may meet your waifu and live with her in a relationship, but you have to lose either your eyesight or your hearing. Which one do you choose?I'd rather lose my hearing. As bad as it would be, I couldn't imagine being blind especially if I have a beautiful wife at my side suddenly