>>3502988Fair enough. Personally, it's the sort of thing where if I'm enjoying a show it's not going to ruin it for me, but if I'm not it just sinks my opinion even further. That sort of negative reaction tends to stick with me though.
I think the technology is in a weird spot right now, using it to cut corners is dirt cheap, but anything higher end requires a huge budget and access to literal supercomputer farms to render. That sort of stuff seems much more corporate western animation territory these days. Maybe in a few years the technology will have progressed enough that compromises won't be nearly as harsh, there's a certain choppiness present in most 3d shows.
Sidonia I wound up glazing over when it aired, though maybe my initial reaction was overly harsh. Might have just been in a bad mood then.
Come to think of it, TV BRS was heavy on 3d and I remember thinking it was alright visually speaking.
>You have pet centipedes?More like I do my best to ignore them so long as they don't try to get in bed with me.