>>3232653>What do you think her dreams are like?One word: Tuna
Most likely not but it's hard to tell. People dream in very different ways.
>>3232657>Does your waifu have any food she dislikes?I only know for sure that she loves sea food.
It might be possible that she doesn't like meet.
>>3232662>Does your waifu have any interesting customs or traditions?None that I know of.
>>3232758>Did your waifu have any trait or point of view that actually changed along the course of her series?She doesn't have a canon personality but her character design changed from Vocaloid 2 to Vocaloid 4.
>>3232796>Does your waifu changes clothes?She has a lot of different stage clothes and an equal number of different casual clothing.
>If yes how often?Daly when she doesn't perform and more often when she does.
>>3232835>So, what've you got planned for tonight, /c/?Waiting for a friend, he will arrive here in the middle of the night.
>>3232917>How picky are you with the quality of fan-art you save?Very picky.
But I stopped saving fanart of her a few years ago.
I like the idea of knowing there is a lot of art of her I don't know yet and I like it to randomly encounter new art of her without looking for it on places like twitter.
I follow a small number of artists though.
>>3233020>your waifu becomes real but she speaks in her official english dubbed voice, if she doesn't have one she will get an extra nasally and american sounding one. do you take the deal?No.
Her voice is the most important thing about her.
She basically is a voice.
An on top of that I don't like the English language especially American English at all.
She does speak English though but not that goody probably better than me.