I love my darling Kirumin.
>>3339866>Does your waifu have a rival?Not really.
>How many friends does she have?I wouldn't call them her friends, they're more like acquaintances, but she has several.
>Is she the kind of person to prejudice people?Not really.
>>3339873>Lets say that she for some odd reason gets thrown into solitary confinement for several months. What happens?Either she survives completely intact because she steeled herself through it, or she turns crazy like any other person would.
>Has something happened to her that made her reconsider her life?Not that I can think of.
>Does she go through any significant change in her series?She dies, if that counts.
>Has she ever done anything cruel?She's killed someone.
>Did the victim deserve it?He had no reason to live and let her kill him, even though he could've escaped easily.
>Was she acting out of herself?No, she was acting out of a desire to save her country.
>Would she sacrifice herself for a greater goal? Is she selfless? Heroic?Yes. That's part of her principles. In a twisted way, I guess you could call her a hero of sorts.
>>3339881>Is waifu skilled at homemaking?Extremely, she's the Ultimate Maid after all.
>Would you trust her to be alone for an extended period of time?Of course.
>Does she engage in sick bants or is she more of a serious/no bullshit kind of girl?She's very serious.