>>3479951>If your waifu had huge and beautiful angel-like wings big enough to completely cover an average car, how would you cherish them?I'd caress them, brush them, let her wrap them around me, lots of possibilities.
>If your waifu had dangerous and sharp horns.>How would you keep her from accidentally poking your eyes out or stabbing you in your sleep?Spooning. Or just do nothing and get a cool eyepatch.
>How would you cherish them?Kiss them, clean and polish them.
>How would your waifu react if you caught her doing something incredibly stupid and embarassing like playing around as if she were in a firefight making loud gun noises or using a cucumber as a mic to sing a genre she REALLY doesn´t want anyone to know she absolutely loves.She'd call out my name in surprise and blush under her bangs.
Does your waifu have something she's self-conscious about? Something like a body part, a blemish, a personality trait, etc.
How would you help her with it?
If she doesn't, what if she suddenly had something like that? What would it be and how would she react?
Again, how would you help her in this case?