>>3654855>siblingsShe's get along very well...assuming she had any. Kana probably wishes she did
>starter pokemonShe'd like Charmander for the cool factor. Or Torchic if she knew what it evolves into
>meet your waifuI met Kana in a dream 8 years ago and she gradually merged with a character I was writing. After a few years I couldn't stop thinking of her and got obsessed with girls who looked like her, but then realized I just projected Kana onto them
>spending habitsShe has some conception of saving money but is likely to blow it all on whatever she feels like
>What is your waifu doing right nowHopefully living a happy life in a happier world
>futureA future of endless fun where she's married to someone she can totally love
>weekend hobbiesWatching sports, hanging with friends, and clubbing
>buys what she needs when she needs it or buys in bulkShe doesn't plan well, so she'll buy it when she needs it
>her dream jobBeing famous for being famous. She'd dabble in music, making videos, and have an audience of people watching her
>colors she likesRed and also black, green, and gold (colors of a soccer club she likes)
>keeps her awake at nightHer love of energy drinks. But unfortunately memories of friends who are no longer with her
>>3654982She's not the smartest at many things, but I wouldn't call her ignorant
>>3655306Drink and watch anime together. I did that this morning, but like always wished Kana was there, sitting in my lap, arms wrapped around her as we spend a fun yet lazy morning together
>>3655507I try as hard as I can to keep Kana true to her actual self and not some ideal in my head
>>3655791I hate when people ask "have a girlfriend", "you married?" and I can't answer
>>3655814>>3655819I unironically do
>>3655878Agreed, I can't even recognize /r9k/ threads anymore. It's worrying these threads are hitting bump limit long before image limit now.
>>3655927I'd rather not