>>1895468>She's constantly blushing around herTsundere has to blush. Since there are no boys in the whole anime ( no boys related to the story, except for Shiraishi who is basically an easter egg ) who would be more appropriate to blush around then Konata?
>she goes everywhere with Konata even when she doesnt want toYou know, sometimes I go somewhere where I don't necessarily want to because of a friend ( or friends ). You simply have to adapt sometimes, the fact I go, for example, to a music shop with my friend even if I am bored there is because he is my friend, that doesn't make me gay. Same thing applies to Konata and Kagami.
If anything, I'd say Konata wants to get in Kagami's pants, which is again, incorrect. The only reason she does this is because it's obviously something that gets Kagami embarrassed