>>4385206I am sorry to hear about him. I hope he had a good life. I dread the time when my dog will die. I know he will, someday; he is already ten years old. He does not show any signs of decline, but it comes for all of us eventually. I try to make every day with him count. He is probably the best dog I will ever have. He seems to understand much more than the average dog, too. Makes it harder knowing.
>>4385260What is funny is fast food increasingly costs just the same as quality meals from good restaurants, rendering them increasingly pointless, especially if you know how to cook. As I've gotten older, I've grown less fond of slop. And America is the home of it, unfortunately.
>We can't go on like this forever.No, we can't.
>>4385273I should like to visit your nation when I can, a tempo debito...
>>4385274>Beauty is a gift to humanity.Yes, but it has often led to so many problems...
>>4385278I've always appreciated the sexual aspects of Eva because they are there for more than just appeal. They always convey a message to the audience and about the characters. I also don't think Eva could have been done with such aspects absent, as such desires lie in the hearts of men, so they should be represented in addressing our core problems of loneliness and fundamental solitude.
>>4385288: yes.