>>3129851I covered about this in my pastebin xD
http://pastebin.com/FWm01NPB Yes, monoeye/scyclopes have been a part of Japanese mytholgoy, in the form of the one-eyed children and the one-eyed monk:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitotsume-koz%C5%8Dhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitotsume-ny%C5%ABd%C5%8DAside from the actual real syndrome of cyclopia, where babies are bone with only one eye (and die after a few hours), there is a popular legend of a cyclops skull existing, corroborating the aforementioned youkai
http://www.0462.net/blog/mamekozo/index.html?page=2133And yes, its been around for a while. The oldest cyclops pic on pixv:
https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=20845dates back to 2007. Hell, I remember Hitomi from Devil's Candy, and the original tokyopop comic came out sometime in 2005. I remember the monoeyes had a brief spike in interest, thanks to Iris from Ruby Gloom (the cartoon had some popularity in Japan) There was an OC project for making a village of monoeyes on pixiv, and dates back to about 2009 to 2010
There's a lot of history regarding monoeyes, and I'll post one more image later, when I get up.