>new fanart of her from possibly the only westerner besides me that knows her source existsRad
>>3614980Cotton candy or other sweets, maybe. Like I've said before, she never seems very discerning when it comes to food.
>>3615175I'm just going to buy something sweet and eat it for both of us.
>>3615262I need to get fit myself but work and language studies sap all my energy every day
>>3615339Everyone's waifu is the cutest and sexiest to them, what a silly question. But obviously it's mine. for both.
>>3615601I have lewd fantasies about her sometimes. I don't think I oversexualize her since like 95% of my fantasies are more mundane things though.
>>3615840This might sound unusual but I don't really ever even think of myself as married to her. I always sort of imagine a relationship with her as being in the casual dating stage for a long while, but with the level of attachment of marriage pretty much already there.
>>3616066Pink, easily. Her hair is definitely her most outstanding physical attribute.