>>3830455>Does your waifu wear glasses? Post your waifu with glasses on. Do they look good on her?>>3830963>What kind of video games would you play with your waifu? Personally, I'd play Elite Dangerous with her, just cruising the galaxy together and seeing all sorts of galactic phenomena.Something fast and action paced with her like Dynasty Warriors or something more dumb and fun like GTA Online.
>>3832004>What does your waifu find physically attractive in a man?She's in the military. I'm sure she does.
>>3832008>Would waifu enjoy watching sport tournaments?It never said it does but i'm sure she would!
>>3832010>Is your waifu a good liar?She can hide her emotions if that's part of lying.
>I know this is a big one but how do you guys feel if she tells you she's pregnant? Even if this goes against cannon or whatever with her loreI don't know myself. I would freeze and have trillions of thoughts racing through my mind before sputtering out what would sound like words. Maybe anxious? Because i dont know the first thing to be a dad besides dad jokes and the "disappointed dad" moments. But at the same time, I'M GOING TO BE A DAD! It's such a fun thing to think about but scary at the same time.