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Oh forget it. I don't know how to put this. Okay I got it.
Let me say sorry first, for doing something so depressing just the day after your birthday. It makes me feel like a piece of shit, but I just want to vent. Not only to you, but to everyone else. So there's no more mistakes, no more misconceptions.
I'm lonely, okay? I don't really have friends. I have two wonderful brats who can't relate to their father, and I have you, Mikoto. The being lonely thing used to be so much easier, because for a long time, I mentally and emotionally cut off everyone that weren't my children. Then you came around, and you had this magnetic pull (pun intended), and opening my heart towards you came easy, it felt natural, and slowly and in turn, opening up to others got easier. No longer was I shutting myself off to people, and guess what? It was great! The more time went on, the more I fell for you. The more talking to others was easy, but now. As I realize the people I thought I could talk to are nothing but lying, inconsiderate, narcissistic pieces of shit, that most people in the world are the same, opening up was a mistake. Closing myself off once again, this time to everyone except my two jits