>>3610503She might want to see how she looks in it, since it's likely that she wants to avoid the beach and public pools. I think she would be happy if I were to show her a jacuzzi.
>>3610993>>3611233I think she would enjoy the waltz and other slow ballroom dances. I'm certainly no dancer, but I could give it a try for her.
>>3611294I would probably bear it, although I suppose it could be fun to tease her with a nickname she wouldn't like and use her telling me to stop as an opportunity to bring up that I don't really like my nickname either.
>>3611446Lots of things, such as her sense of humor, her tastes in media, how things go for her after the end of the series and so on. When there are things I don't know about her, I tend to extrapolate them from minor details, how I imagine someone like her would feel about things, and sometimes from characters who remind me of her.
>>3611556Probably happy, but I can see her liking bittersweet ones too.