Kana, you're my tomboy prince and I love you so goddamn much! She can just be so handsome!
>>3546915Not often but she'd eat it the normal way
>>3546916The enemy, who knows what's on their mind. Kana is very reliable in situations like that and I'd be serious enough not to let our love get in the way of the mission
>>3546918Much too casual, I'd so rarely get to see her wearing a suit or a fancy dress as much as I like to imagine her in outfits like that. In personality she carries herself very casually as well.
>>3546958Kana likes it a bit warmer than room temperature. Definitely not cold, and while she doesn't mind the heat she'd rather it not be blazing hot.
>>3547000>What would be this legion's role and specialty in the myriad fronts of this war?Mecha pilots, of course. She'd have enough experience in her life to train up less experienced pilots.
>What tactics, strategies, and armaments will this legion be armed with so that no foe will best them in battle?Unfortunately, Kana isn't a good strategist, so she'd need an armchair general like me or she's out of luck. She'd go for whatever looks best, the most common sense option, but she'd make sure to listen to her team.
>>3547272She's small enough to sit in my lap. Having a small wife can be wonderful.
>>3547364>>3547372It's hard to say, but like Rutee (since I love tomboys), Mai, and Alleyne (the latter two vaguely look like Kana's love interest). But I only love Kana.
>>3547383Kana's an extreme extrovert and thrives on social situations. I don't think she could take being alone.
>>3547399Not long at all. She might even kiss me on the cheek before we date. It could be within days of one of us confessing that she decides to give me a big kiss to really start the process of sealing us together.