>>3485433It would be awful. People would be stepping on her tail a lot. Some on accident, but others probably on purpose, and it would be a bad time for everyone when she starts flailing her tail around angrily to get them to stop.
>>3485453I think a ferret would be cute. I dunno what she'd like as a pet, though. Cats don't like snakes, and I don't really see her as a dog person either.
>>3485539>How do the two of you react to this mirror universe of her?"Fuck, what's her problem, amirite?"
And probably find a way to get her to stop. Unless this is a mirror dimension where EVERYONE is this way, in which case, we just try to find a way to fuck off out of there.
>If waifu had the opportunity to become a godI would hope she would decline. I think the power would go to her head and it would ultimately change her for the worse. Best case scenario, she just becomes Aqua. Same voice and everything, but as a lamia.
>On a lighter note, would waifu make a good personal trainer for you?No. Different anatomy and all, it'd make it hard for her to know what achesand how best to treat it. Particularly if, say, I pulled my hamstring or sprained my ankle.
>>3484613I don't know if I can say this is "the best", but it's a good place to be. Could be better if we were still on /a/ and mods didn't drive out husbandofags, but at least we don't get a lot of shitposters here.
>>3485713Honestly I only know like 5 Vocaloids and 3 songs, and I think she'd probably like Megurine Luka.
Miia would probably know more than me, but I like Rolling Girl.
>>3485724You know, sometimes it's nice to sleep in a snug sleeping bag.
>>3485725She'd probably try and seduce me with words to get me to buy one for her.
...And then being the meme goblin I am, I'd respond back by singing the jingle to her and laughing.
And then buying a Klondike bar for her.
>>3485736>Your waifu asks you to do "the thing".あの。。。こう?