>>2967795そういえばあの時もこうやってリィズに上に乗られてたっけか ... ?
This reminds me that its somewhat like that time Lise held me from behind … ?
あの時はのっけから素っ裸だったが, 今日はずいぶんと可愛い服を着ている.
Only then she was naked head to toe, but today she’s all dressed up in a pretty outfit.
Lise: どうしたの? お兄ゃん ... ? 何か気になる?
“Whats wrong? Onii-chan …? Something on your mind?”
Theo: いや ... ずいぶんと可愛い服だなと思っただけだ
“No… I was just thinking about how cute you look in that outfit”
Lise: あはっ, 似合ってる?
“Aha, it really looks good on me?”
Theo: ステーヅに上がる前も似合って言っただろう?
“Didn’t I say so even before you got on stage?”
Lise: 何回言われてもうれしいから, 何回も言って欲しいの
“Everytime you say so it makes me happy, so I want you to say it many more times”
Theo: ああ, よく似合ってる. 結果はまだ出てないけど, 俺の中では優勝だな
“Yeah, it suits you well. Although the results have not come out yet, you are the winner for me.”
Lise: 本当? あはは, もう, その一言が優勝卜口つィ一よりも価値があるよ, お兄ちゃん
“Really? haha, already, coming from you that means much more to me than winning the contest, Onii-chan”
Theo: 安上がりだな
“Its nothing”
Lise: じゃあ, 副買をちょうだい
“Okay then, buy a subsidiary”
Theo: ああ...
軽く頷き, 俺はリィズの唇に自ら押しつけた.
I tilt my head, and softly press her lips with mine.
Lise: んっ ... お兄 .... ちゃん ...
“nnm … Oni… chan…”
Theo: リィズ ...
どちらからもなく絡まる舌と舌 ...
Our tongues intertwine together…