>>3451877>>3451902are you new to /c/ by any chance? we have had plenty of non-attention whoring namefags over the years who didn't push a persona or attitude, they instead just contributed - there are some still around now and they do contribute plenty to the board. remember this isn't /a/ or any other large board where namefags openly advertise themselves
i don't like the idea of using a name on 4chan but namefags on /c/ seem to be a bit different, even neo has contributed plenty to this thread to help keep it alive at times - you can acknowledge him if you want or just get on with your life
a very small amount of anons using names on /c/ isn't new. instead of shitting up a cute thread, please remember that you have the ability to filter posts. unironically stop causing problems as the thread has been calm/friendly for numerous thread #s until you showed up
>tldrfilter things you don't like, none of this is new to a regular /c/ user