>>3751892I dropped out three years ago. There were times when I didn't talk to anyone for days and didn't leave the house for weeks. I just sat on my bed for hours feeling sorry for myself. There was even one time where the police showed up to my door and took me to a mental hospital. If anything, hibike euphonium gave me a lot of the motivation to start getting my life back together. I started going outside and taking walks in the woods. I used to play the violin, but after giving it up for years I picked it back up again and started practicing every day. I started to find joy and satisfaction in small things. I eventually got a ged and started taking classes at a community college. I'm planning to transfer to a university soon. If Eupho taught me anything it's that working hard and trying to improve yourself is something inherently valuable. Don't give up, anon. I'm rooting for you.