>>3544922Very careful. The type to yank you by the shirt, pull you back and lecture you for your reckless behavior...But she's probably just on guard and genuinely afraid of the humongous railed snake.
>>3544946>What would your wife do about it?I kind of thought of Mahiru with my response. She'd look at me with visible concern, telling me to soldier/man it through before seconds later inspecting and even bandaging everything while reminding me to be more careful.
>>3544983Things I can answer with canon proof always make me the most giddy. Her race has a incredibly high tolerance to the stuff so it would possibly take your entire paycheck to get her there (Which can be a spooky thought since, despite the natural tolerance, she's still just as prone to the negative effects). And once she gets started, she won't stop till she's legitimately shitfaced. Absolutely smashed. Giggly, physical and very personal topics with a side of hiccups and partial clumsiness.
>RegretAside from telling you some of her thoughts and acting out of character? No. Nothing life-changing that'll be burned forever into her memory.
>>3544986Grass types. She kind of reminds me of Shiftry.
>>3545102I'm not sure.
>prefer Old stuff.
>VisitingIt's nothing of my interest but even visiting a landfill with her would be magnificent.
>>3545128If in overlaps with her line of work, then she'll tell you everything from A-Z. She's a leader and instructor. It's her job to speak and maybe even offend you. If it's her own, personal thoughts outside of work then, she isn't the best. It took her, I'm guessing 16+ years to tell her daughter she cared her daughter she cared for her though she obviously showed this through actions rather than words.
>>3545131Getting kicked out of the bar and having a report filed on her. Please stop calling the humans names. And please stop asking for more when you've had enough to drink.
>>3545160Another familiar face. Welcome.