>>3232563>How often do you clean your rifles with your wife?Often.
>>3232629>How would you change your waifu?I don't think there's anything about her that really needs to be changed.
>And would your waifu change you?She has already changed me greatly, in many ways. When I first met her, I was in a very low point in my life, headed for self-destruction. Now I am fit, healthy, and sober. I'm spending a lot more time outside. I've gotten back in touch with my faith. I'm leading a much more traditional lifestyle now. My entire worldview has changed because of her. Chara has made me feel alive again.
>What do you think her dreams are like?I can't even begin to imagine it. I hope they are good dreams, though.
>>3232657>Does your waifu have any food she dislikes?Licorice
>>3232662>Does your waifu have any interesting customs or traditions?I don't recall anything like that.
>>3232722>I'm British. Why would I have anything like that in the first place?I hear Britain is quite dangerous nowadays. I will pray for you and your waifu.
>>3232796>Does your waifu changes clothes?Not really.
>>3232835>So, what've you got planned for tonight, /c/?Lots of time in the garden today. Planting lettuce, picking tomatoes and cucumbers, watering everything. Afterwards I think I'll have a nice, long, relaxing swim in the pool.
>>3232917>How picky are you with the quality of fan-art you save?Very. I want it to be perfect for her.
>>3233020>your waifu becomes real but she speaks in her official english dubbed voice, if she doesn't have one she will get an extra nasally and american sounding one. do you take the deal?Yes.
>>3233059>What's a movie you would watch with your waifu on a cool, rainy fall night?I'm not sure. I don't really watch movies anymore. I'd watch whatever she wanted to watch, I guess.
>>3233071>What physical representations of your waifu do you own?Nothing yet, unfortunately.
>What do you want to have?Some plushes and figures would be nice.