>>3809120>How does your wife like to spend her time in the snow?By innocently rolling up snowballs in her hands and then throwing them at me with the force of a shotgun. Of course, I throw back. Other times she likes doing silly things such as making snow angels or building snowmen together.
>>3809122>Does your waifu buy Christmas gifts ahead of time or all at the last minute?She definitely buys them ahead of time, and a generous amount of them.
>>3809124>What sort of silly sweaters would your wife wear?Mugi has good taste in fashion, but I could see her wear anything silly-looking that her friends would gift her.
>>3809874>What ways do you use to feel connected to her?By looking at pictures or videos of her. Also by listening to HTT's music and her character songs.
>Do you look at pictures a lot and do they fuel your imagination?Yes, definitely.
>Do you use your imagination?Sometimes, when I really need her.