I wonder if Ishii would actually even like me? Would she accept if I were to confess to her, would she gently turn me down or would she simply laugh at me? I’m not fat or that ugly, but I’m hardly a hunk either. I’d love to know how she thinks about the idea of affection and being in love. To me she really seems more like a logical than emotional person, but how much would that really affect her view on relationships? I think she would enjoy the feeling of knowing that there’s someone that loves her and I wish I could hug her and feel how her heart beats. She’d probably feel how my heart races because of her too and I think I might blush a bit. I wonder if she would think it would be cute or shameful for a man to blush?
I hope no one minds to much that I’m pouring out my heart a little, also bump.
>>3617709That's really cute