>>2568380You may have just misfired your cannon, anon. I opened conversation by calling you out on the repost versus image quality issue for the reasons exposed in
>>2566216. I am not the person you seem to think I am. I will ask you this, however: what kind of logic is there that allows you to slight every other anon already in here by implying the thread so far was mostly reposts, which also happened to be a blatantly false claim at the time, all while the motivation behind this act being that you had disliked having one post of yours being criticised?
Anyways, there is one thing that I neglected to bring up on my previous opportunity. Your exaggerated reaction to reposts is what I find to be suspicious here, because it does not fit with the experience I've had in this board. You argue that it is bad for a image that has once been posted to once again show its face in here, the reason being that fellow anons might well have seen them already, and because of that they should no longer be welcome. I'm sorry, but dealing with absolutes like this is only prone to lead you into dead ends. Let me show you why: what about Homu screenshots? Everybody here must have seen them already; even if they don't have them saved, chances are they will be able to identify when and where in the series have they been taken, and know all about the associated context. It's really no different from them having already seen a picture around these parts and simply not having saved it, except that this is likely to be easier to keep track of long term. For instance, chances are a picture posted two years ago is not as fresh for them as a shot from the show that they could well have already taken their time to give a rewatch within that timespan. As you can see, the working logic behind it is very much the same as for the reposts you demonize. Posting screenshots of Homura does not aggregate new content into the threads according to the purpose you want Homu threads to serve.