>>3547432Hmm. She'd find me to be a pretty nice guy, a little shy, and it'd endear myself to her a little bit. Maybe, hopefully, she'd decide to give me a "push" in the right direction. But that would require me opening up to her, and I'm not 100% sure if I can realistically do that. As for the chances of me and her entering that sort of relationship though, while I do fit the mold of the sort of guy that she likes, there's unfortunately other obstacles for me to be able to enter that sort of relationship with her.
>>3547638She's pretty good with remembering people, I assume. She didn't remember Ayu when they fought, but they hadn't met, despite both of them having been in IDEAL. She did remember Senya though.
>>3547648She's dangerous, period. But to actually answer the question, going off of what I know about her, the answer is no. Though, the only thing I have to make this assumption on is a very unique case, but knowing her, she'd take rejection decently well. Not that she'd ever truly be rejected. Any man on the planet would be truly lucky to even be able to draw her interest.
>>3547718There isn't really a difference in her characterization between manga and the LN, as they have mostly the same author. I can't say the same for the games however, as I've never played them.
>>3547776I'd imagine she'd be really good at poker. Given that her natural playful nature hides a very cunning and very dangerous side of her. She'd have a really good pokerface.
>>3546958She isn't the summers biggest fan, but she doesn't really like the cold either. So warm, and sometimes cool temps of Spring are more her speed.