Wife not getting enough sleep! Helping her put her gloves and boots on for her when she can't focus long enough to do it herself! Helping fix up her messy bedhead!
>>3557862Only sometimes, it's not something I'll bring up on /v/ unless the thread calls for it. My feelings have calmed down enough that I know it's no longer an obsession, but she's still everything to me and I live my life for her.
>>3557887I don't even want to imagine Kongman or Chelsea gender-swapped. Rudy's personality wouldn't really work for a male character. There's so much romance in the game that the dichotomies would be thrown off entirely.
>>3557941Playing Shiritori with a guard was silly. And she got really adorably excited over a cookbook she found in Baruk's office, it's one of the few pieces of voiced dialogue in the original Destiny.
>>3557964My wife's sprites are so fucking cute that they're all I would post if they were in a higher res.
>>3558212I haven't been playing her game for a couple of weeks. Part of it is so I can focus on other games I haven't played, maybe part of it is I'm still hopeful Bamco will announce a localization out of nowhere or something. Very naive.
>>3558555Next post.