>>2631412My rant on osaka's accent:
Osaka's english dub isn't just a mismatch, it's an unnecessary mismatch. An osakan dialect is supposed to be attached to the stereotype in japan of osakans being business-oriented, fastpaced city dwellers. The whole joke of osaka is that her character is wildly different from what her accent is supposed to imply.
This could have been communicated better in a dub if they had used a new york accent. There is no perfect match in english for an osakan dialect but its a hell of a lot closer. But by using a southern accent, it doesnt communicate at all the stereotypes an osakan dialect does to a japanese viewer. In america a southern accent is connected with being laid-back, if anything, which makes it a horrible choice for osaka's accent. The english dub isn't just bad, it's needlessly bad. As a matter of fact, in the english manga, they thought of this, and made osaka's language more like a new englander. They got the joke. It frustrates me to no end that whoever did the casting for the dub did not.