>What is your wife most afraid of?Probably losing her friends or being left alone. Although there was only a single time when she expressed such worries. Maybe because she was under a lot of anxiety at the time due to her instincts telling her something bad was happening. I think the worry is genuine, it's just not at the forefront most of the time.
>What is your waifu's deepest insecurity?She asked one time whether her friends actually wanted to be with her, which I think is connected to what I mentioned above. I think it's largely unfounded, but maybe it has to do with the fact she's been alone for such a long time and has had to part ways with family close to her a few times before.
>biggest flawShe can be a bit reckless sometime, which has led to some troubles before. She ended up blaming herself for it as a result, though her friends don't fault her for it.
>>3673079I've never had any particularly bad addiction. Maybe it's because I've been an avid practitioner of meditation, but my mind can notice the desire to crave something is just body sensations. Becoming aware of it gives me power over it.
>>3673262Not me! I do want to make my own doujinshi sometime since I'm familiar with the inking and solid painting process of some of my favorite mangaka but the real bread and butter of manga is composition and pacing, style and technique can only get you so far.
I haven't really studied those subjects all that much.
>>3673284Nothing like that, she is a very healthy girl. Well, I guess she can be a it messy with her appartment but that's about it.