>>3545847>candle shoppingI don't think my Sheik would enjoy something like this. I've never been shopping specifically for candles, but I have bought them before. I tend to just buy whatever is the cheapest and smells okay. I would be a bit more picky for my Sheik though. I want her to enjoy everything she can about where we live. I always associate my Sheik with Fall for some reason. I have no idea why. But that wouldn't matter here. Fall doesn't exist here. The trees don't lose leaves until the end of winter. I hate this desert so goddamn much. I hope we can get out of here and find somewhere better.
>>3545849>wedding dressesI want an image like that REALLY BADLY. But I don't have one. That will be the very first thing I commission. However, it wouldn't be a dress per se. It would be like her normal outfit with some changes and wedding dress colors and an extra veil.
>what you would like your wedding to be likeI would want our wedding to be in my world, but I actually think that there isn't a reason why we can't have two ceremonies and have one in each world. I have a lot of love to give to Sheik. Why can't we have more than one ceremony? Sure, we can only get married once, but the ceremony itself doesn't make you married. It's just to demonstrate what is happening and a way to represent the two of us coming together. I think it would be nice for us to have it in both worlds so we wouldn't need to neglect one or the other. Our wedding would be a very important and special moment for us no matter where it is, but it would be a little more special if it was in the world where we came from. That's why two would be best, so we both can have our most special ceremony in our most special world. However, if we could only have one, it should be in my world. It would make it official since this would be the world we would stay in, but that's not the only reason.