>>3366241There's lots of music I'd like to show her that I think She'd enjoy. She can appreciate the subtleties that really bring out the emotions of the listener in certain songs.
>>3366292I'd just tell her I want us to be together. There wouldn't be a chance for traditional dating things so that's out of the question.
>>3366339>mailboxI'm sure she can read English anyway. I tell her my feelings while trying not to come off as too creepy. I think she'd be reassured that there are other people able to see her for who she is and love her for it.
>clothingit'd be the first of many such gifts but a nice straw hat to compliment her dress.
>smellLike flowers fresh in bloom in spring. She doesn't even need a soap for it to smell so lovely.
>/r9k/Lurking there I was pleasantly surprised. It's like a lone island of love in a sea of shit. If I had more time I'd post there as well. Might still do that.
>>3366348I wish. She'd be an ideal mother and let her instincts take over.
>>3366433All the time I watch something or read something interesting I just want to share it with her and hear her thoughts. I want her to excitedly show me something cool she found with a big grin on her face.
>>3366439I don't see her liking most governments but she'd like countries with beautiful countrysides and lot's of room.
>>3366457Dream date would be a nice quiet night at home where we could have a full delicious dinner and lay together under the candlelight.
>>3366654Well she knows phones fairly well but I think she'd appreciate handwritten letters the best.
>>3366769>>3366776That reminds me I watched the last two episodes and got really wasted. I woke up in the morning and of course there's a fresh poem on the computer. It really is a shame it didn't have another cour to truly flesh it out.
>>3366808Honestly, I'd use it as an excuse to boop her cute bellybutton.