Magic Knight is my one and only.
>>3312112I don't anything about those types of games, so i can't say.
>>3312113>>What mineral/rock/metal whatever would represent your waifu?Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire.
>how /fa/ is she? Add a picture if possibleI think her uniform is pretty fashionable and it looks great on her
>Does anyone irl know about your tastes in 2dbroads? What is their opinion?Not that I know of.
>3312115>Waifu is isekaid. To what world is she sent? GameRPG/TolkienRPG/Sci-FiRPG/ WorldWarRPG ?>And what is her role there?I don't know what world she'd be sucked into but she'd still be a Magic Knight.
>>3312129I have a little Etna and Flonne figure that came with the CE of DD2 and a Lucina amiibo.
>>3312139I played her game back in 2004 and saw her standing in the castle, and looked up how to unlock her. Once I did, I was a little underwhelmed at first due to her weaker stats and aptitudes but still liked her none the less due to her cute looks and unusual abilities. It was a couple of years later I though about how to try to make them work better as most melee weapons don't have much or any INT to boost her random spell follow up and decided to grind out spear mastery in the item world until she could use the longinus, the second best spear in the game that had a pinch of INT for her to use spells with. After a couple of weeks grinding in my free times, she drew the spear from its corner in the castle and went on a journey poking and spellslinging everything in her path, with her first target being Midboss. It was thanks to that run that I really grew to admire her and the joys of working hard to help bring out the best in her.