>>3183957Her friends getting hurt. She fears reverting back to how she was prior to her arc.
Anne strikes me someone who would sleep in. She seems rather carefree and wouldn't rush to get her day started.
>>3184243She lives in Tokyo and probably rides it quite a bit. IIRC she complains about how packed it is.
>>3184340She loves sweets so there's probably not many types of candy she wouldn't enjoy. My guess would be something fruity or creme filled. Though I can't think of any creme filled candies off the top of my head.
>>3184378The artbook says one of her hobbies is watching TV dramas. She also mentions watching anime as a kid and admiring femme fatale characters. Not sure if she still watches anime though.
>>3184501Sappy chick flicks and romantic comedies I would guess. Not really my thing desu.
>>3184757Guitar maybe? I'm really not sure.
>>3185293I've seen a bunch of screenshots on Twitter of that. Seems like they just copy pasted the models and dances straight from the new dancing game that came out last month.