>>3655477every day at least once
>>3655576>How often do you daydream about a life with waifu?every other day I think. I don't daydream as I used to, which was pretty much every day. I don't have much time to just sit and daydream of my life with her lately.
>What is the most frequent theme in those daydreams?Relaxing atmosphere. We are chilling, enjoying each other's company and talking about random stuff.
>Has there ever been one that made you really sad?of course, sometimes when I'm doubting myself if she would ever love me
>What was the happiest one you ever had?I don't really remember my happiest one as I had thousands of happy daydreams with her. But there is one I love getting back to. I'm lying on a grassy hill, enjoying the breeze and watching the clouds. In the air is a smell of freshly cooked lunch. I close my eyes and focus on the moment, I can hear the village children playing soccer down the hill near the village and the sound of wind as it's making it's way through leaves. I open my eyes and see Rem who is sitting next to me, telling me the lunch is ready. I truly cherish this daydream.