I have to try my hardest for her.
>>3641909I change my previous answer to this one.
I will definetly ask for a commission of Okita in this form
>>3642216It's extremely underrated.
>>3643000She would make some cute squeals. If I continue she would blush like hell and start moaning making me incredibly unconfortable in the process.
When's all done and I have a panting, blushing, sweaty waifu in front of me, that's when I ask to forgive me since I wouldn't be able to control myself any longer.
>>3643389Her reaction when asked to cook hinted that when she tried she made a disaster or that she never tried. Same thing about houseworks.
>>3643394You always create the most romantic settings.
I would ask who was her most difficult opponent and how she dealt with him. Okita is the strongest and undefeated so I want to know if there was someone that was close to take that spot from her. Alternatively ask her about her time at the Shinsengumi or some history facts from her time.
>>3643446Probably. She is very agile and the experience from the battle can be put into work for a ballet but it's not something she would like to do. I know I would like doing it far less than she ever does.
>>3643726Unfortunately in the remote chance she gets animated her total screen time will be 5 minutes at best. But for me it's enough seeing her animated in an art style that is not this
Thanks, anyway.
>>3643880Forgot to tell you that there are two XDU albums that are not included in that pack.
>>3643935Yeah, she's eating at the cafeteria, alright.