>>2819464>>2819469To elaborate, you don't fucking get it, do you? The reason why everyone (and I seriously fucking mean absolutely everyone) here hates you is because you had the fucking nerve to introduce yourself as an Asucuck while namefagging. If you claim to "love the franchise as a whole" there would have been no fucking need to demean Rei by implying she's inferior to Asucuck. Well no shit, all of us love the entire series save Rebuild. Hell, even I appreciate Asuka as a character. However, I don't go around saying "REI IS BETTER BUT..." when I talk to them. I show them respect for having an opinion that's decent and I shut up. I don't namefag, I don't consistently shit up their threads when told to leave, and I definitely do not fucking propogate Rebuildshit.
So fuck off and get out. You are unwelcome.