Looks like I showed up just in time. Enjoy the image limit.
>>3314204Her room is mostly empty asides from a bed built into the wall and a few plants at the window. Her room wouldn't be much different here, maybe a few more books or a game console.
Probably adventure novels and fantasy books, as well as manga and the like. If she had a goal she was studying towards at the time that lots of books related to that as well.
The first half of the anime when she was happy and genki was all amazing, nothing brings me more joy than rewatching parts of it.
Quite a few, the silliest I can think of is one where she looks like Kenshiro that someone made after an anon didn't specify which HnK he was talking about.
She has no nationality, and all the nations of the world are long gone by the time she was born. I imagine she would probably be Japanese or British though.
I don't really know all that much about sports, she would probably enjoy more personal competetive stuff rather than team-based sports. She'd probably like fencing or kendo considering how eager she was to be allowed to fight at the start of the series.
Exactly the same. The only thing that can change her appearance is disfiguring injury or the whims of the author. Though with the rate the manga is going at she will probably have a new design by this time next year.
She would laugh at me and act smug, all the while pretending she wasn't about to make the exact same joke.
>>3314443I would make her have a bit more self-worth. Her kindness is one of her core traits but when she is willing to sacrifice herself not even to save others but to simply help them it is a bit much, she deserves to be happy as well.