>>3331555She'd probably find them to be very convenient.
>>3331681I have a soundtrack that changes one's brain waves to those of sleep, mirroring a full sleep cycle. She would appreciate it.
>>3331687>Is she autistic in relation to any thing/activity?Not in particular.
>What is the most autistic thing you do regarding your waifu?Probably screencaping most of the frames in her show. Around 600 pictures per episode.
>>3331722>You can take a picture of her however you like it, what kind of picture do you take and how do you keep it? Locket,wallet,in a safe etc.A picture of her during our first date. I would keep it on a frame near my bed. That way I can look at her when I wake up and before sleep. I would be afraid it might get damaged if kept on my wallet.
>Your waifu catched a cold, how do you care for her.I give her medicine and prepare her food such as chicken soup with garlick, and keep her company. Though I don't believe she'd stay sick for long. She is a very healthy girl.
>Waifu is acting really sadistic towards you in a unpleasant way, how do you confront her?Oh boy. She is probably mad about something I did (or something she thinks I did). So I'll apologize to her or clear up the misunderstanding. Hopefully make it up to her by taking her to a nice restaurant afterwards.