>>4385069>Yet the great apes, the elephants, the killer whales exhibit some facets of what we would call higher thought. Language? No. That is folly, and unique to man. I admit I am a little biased here by my love for my dog, and for animals in general; their place in the spiritual order I have not fully reconciled yet.Brain functionality. Some actions are unique to those specific animals. The actions needed for keeping natural flow on "track". For the great apes. Arms and legs somewhat similar to man. Therefore they can do complex actions that no other beast can fathom. Mostly because of their body limitations in that regard. But we can be like monkeys. Jerking off all day behind the computer screen. Like monkeys at the zoo. The hospital scene broke my everyday ritual. I felt sick of myself.
>Still, he cannot undo the past either, so what is great will be great, no matter how many nonsensical collaborations are made in Eva's name.I still have warm feelings towards Anno. Not homosexual, but joy that I feel that without him. "We" wouldn't be either. The past Anno, of course. He made "Us" into who We are. Not all of Our ways. But Evangelion is his creation. The Anno after EoE is a different "Anno". Same with Rebuilds being a "Different Evangelion".