>favorI like to believe that Liz would do so, but I wouldn't expect it of her. Love isn't quid pro quo. If I do something for her it's because I want to make her feel good.
>Come up with some examples of something you would do for her and what she would do backSupporting her emotionally is something that I'd probably have to do if we were in a relationship. Elizabeth is a really strong person but it's quite apparent that she's really shaken up from all the traumatizing experiences she's endured. I would always be there to support her. I'd feel really nice if she somehow made it apparent that she appreciates me being there for her. But Elizabeth can be kind of cold sometimes, so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't do something like that. I would never hold it against her, anyway.
If it was about something more tangible, like a gift, she'd most likely return the favor.
I can't come up with anything more specific at the moment.
>>3567407Elizabeth would be fascinated by a modern camera. And I think she'd really enjoy the idea of being able to freeze a moment in time through the lens of the device. There's a certain romanticism to that if you look at it in the context of her ability to manipulate space-time. Such a thought might click well with her. I'm not entirely sure if she'd agree with me though.
>What kind of photos would she take with it?In general, I think that she'd make really thoughtful and inspiring photos. Photography is an art and Elizabeth is very artistically inclined.