Sad news guys. Due to an accident, I ended up losing my entire Asuka picture collection; over 10000 catalogues images, from years of my youth on /c/. Not to mention all the other girls from other /c/ threads. My entire collection of cute anime girls gone but Asuka hurts the most. :( Make sure to do backups guys.
Didn't want to bring down the thread but just a warning and reliving some nostalgia. It's been years since I posted but being on here made difficult times much better, being able to appreciate a great character together. The internet is being neutered and whored out by many various entities and the future of free speaking forums like these is hazy, but as long there exist people who want to keep the anime community alive and appreciate true art I'm certain there will always be a place for us :)
Blast from the past: - don't even remember my tripcode.
Back when these threads started. I'm so happy they're still going strong. Believe it or not at the time Asuka threads were not super common. I guess I'll have to start from scratch once again. I don't know if I'll be using my old name but I'll definitely be lurking. I guess its fitting to post the first ever Asuka pic I saved in my old Asuka folder :)