After all the waiting, the anime is finally here! fantastic episodes so far, and we haven't even gotten to the Full Moon chapter, Suu or Miia's shedding yet.
This property is already making bank in Japan.
I foresee a Season 2 in our future, and possibly even more.
It is a good time to be Crab Man, or one of his fans.
Even better, the manga is finally off of hiatus, and we'll be getting a new chapter tomorrow (June 19th), which means high-quality translations from PrettyAnonymous in about a week!
Also, if anyone has missed them, the daily Monmusu-Shorts that have been airing online have been ripped and are being compiled on YouTube, hopefully to be subbed sometime in the near future.
You can find that cuteness here:'s a better time than ever to love Montsergirls, /c/. Our future is looking brighter than it ever did before.
Also, the eternal popularity-poll: if you haven't already. More polls to come ITT.