>>3307160>Would she like a nice spa day or rather spend time doing outdoor activity?She doesn't like taking days off, but by that same token she probably really needs one given how hard she works.
>>3307236They'd probably be about silly stuff like which one of us does which chores.
>>3307467Probably enjoy more time together, I want us to be financially stable first.
>>3307738>What's something you initially ignored or disliked, but grew to appreciate about her?The plot twist of her secretly being the Prime Minister of Japan. It felt really forced at first, but now I'm more ambivalent and wouldn't mind seeing a manga or LN about her balancing her school life, home life and political duties.
>>3307770>Sausage or hotdogs?Why not both?
>>3307814I think so. Even if I never post here again about her, my love for her will always remain.
>>3307822>How stubborn is your wife?Fairly stubborn, I'd say.
>>3307967>The ultimate maid being clumsy with homechores is really moe, for some odd reason.It really is. I'd like to catch her after she stumbles, then offer to help her out.
>>3307971>what image viewer do you use?Just the default, I don't need anything fancy.