>>3424848This feels more like a slippery slope than anything anon. Being able to acknowledge that other girls are more beautiful in their own way and admitting your waifu isn't even your favorite female character is just opening the door to other things. I don't know how everybody else in this thread would feel about this, but I think if you cannot in all honesty think your waifu is the most beautiful girl in the world to you and you can't acknowledge her as your favorite female character she isn't really your waifu. She is just a character you like. Not really the same level as waifuism type love. Anon, who is your waifu? Can you describe what you like about her more than any other girl? What makes you crazy about her, but at the same time you admit is inferior to what other girls have? I'm just trying to understand this mindset.
>>3424849>Do you ever get a feeling in her chest that feels like love?If you mean feeling in my chest, then yes. When I am browsing some of the images I've saved of her, I sometimes get lost in thought and these thoughts of her tend to make my heart race. When someone posts a really good question on here and I need to really think about what my love would do, my heart skips a beat. I feel like I am learning more about the girl I adore so much. I have never felt this way before. Finally, when I re-watch her cutscenes, I tend to get that feeling. Unlike fanart, this feels like the real and true unchanged Sheik. That fact alone makes me a little giddy. It makes me long for her.